4000 Dogs Abandoned By Owners In Yorkshire

Published 2nd Oct 2015

"Half of them will be reclaimed by their owners, that means there's someone out looking for them and they're maybe just lost... but the other half were not reunited and were left for either charities to take and re-home, public to re-home and sadly the local authorities have to put a number of dogs down because there's just not the funds or facitilites."

Nearly 9-thousand stray dogs were picked up on our streets over the last year - and only half were reunited with their owners.

Amanda Sands is manager at the Leeds Dogs Trust centre.

"Although the number of strays has gone down it's still way too high too many... One's too many. Throughout the whole of the UK there was 102,000 dogs abanadoned or lost which is 280 dogs a day so we've still got a bit of work to do.

New stats from the Dogs Trust show that - across Yorkshire - more than 4-thousand dogs were left unclaimed.

Many are taken in by local charities - but some end up being put down by local authorities.

"With the ones that aren't reclaimed by the owners, charities like ourselves go in and take as many as we can, the public go in and sometimes re-home them as well, the council do all they can but there will always be a number of dogs that sadly have to be to sleep because there's nowhere else for the dogs to go.

"Having a dog is a fantastic addition to any family but they're a big commitment and they're hard work, so we always ask people to think very seriously before taking one on and to think about what they want from the dog and to not just rush out and get a dog because they like the look of it or something like that, do a bit of research on breed traits."