Richard Osman: I'm hosting the TV Choice Awards because I want to win one!

Pointless is yet to have taken home the coveted award.

Published 16th May 2017

Richard Osman, otherwise known as one of the most knowledgable men on telly, has gone and got himself a new job.

The Pointless favourite will be hosting this year's TV Choice Awards - which last year gave gongs to Tom Hiddleston, Ant + Dec and The Great British Bake Off.

But it seems Richard has an ulterior motive for getting involved - he has yet to win one of his own.

He told us: "I'm hoping maybe if I host it, they'll feel ashamed, there will be this sense of embarrassment if Pointless doesn't win. That's the plan"

However, Richard is keen to dish out some awards to other shows, telling us he hopes Car Share and First Dates get to share the stage with him.

But his real favourite is Line of Duty, saying "if I have to read out a different winner to 'Line of Duty' I don't know how I'll do it".

The best thing about the TV Choice Awards is that you get to vote for your favourite TV Shows - just head to the TV Choice website.

The ceremony will take place on the September 4th 2017, but for now let Richard tell you all about his plans for the night >>>>