Corrie's Bill Roache reveals why he spends three hours a day on the loo

Don't worry - it's not quite as strange as it sounds...

Author: Emma DoddsPublished 31st May 2018

Coronation Street legend Bill Roache credits just one thing with keeping feeling healthy and vibrant at 86-years-old. Bill, who has starred as Weatherfield veteran Ken Barlow since the soap's very first episode in December 1960, works plenty of long hours every week in his role for the show which airs six episodes a week.

It would be easy to think that at his age, Bill would be winding down a little due to getting older - but the former Army captain shows no signs of stopping.

And Bill credits one thing with keeping his spirits up - spending three hours a day on the loo.

Er, WHAT?!

We know it sounds strange, but hear him out...

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Corrie's Bill Roache reveals why he spends three hours a day on the loo
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Apparently, Bill likes to sit on his loo for hours on end every day to meditate, and believes that the practice will help him live to the age of 107 - an age he has "decided on" to live to.

He revealed, "Meditation might sound complicated or alien, but it is a discipline. You find a place in your home where you won't be bothered - it might be the loo. If it's the loo, use it.

"Sit there and balance your breathing. I think about the waves on the seashore coming in and going out. You leave all your worldly goods outside. I go into a peaceful state, I feel wonderful. I got to a point where I could sit for three hours."

Blimey. We wish we had three hours to sit on the loo and contemplate life.

WATCH: Ken Barlow's very first appearance on Coronation Street in 1960

Bill is a healer at Pure Love Movement, and said he thinks that age is a "belief system", adding that you can "decide" when you live to.

He spoke at a talk in Canada about the idea, "You set your time clock to a certain age - I decided on 107. Ageing is a belief system. If you believe you get older, your energy goes down so your cell renewal process goes down."

We quite like the sound of this, to be honest.