WATCH: Johnny Depp and Amber Heard apologise over dogs in awkward video

The pair's terriers were brought into the country illegally last year.

Published 18th Apr 2016

Hollywood star Johnny Depp and his wife, Amber Heard have recently recorded an awkward video apologising for unlawfully bringing their dogs into Australia last year.

The pair were charged with bringing their dogs into the country aboard Johnny's private jet, without declaring them, while he was recording the fifth Pirates of the Caribbean film.

Speaking last year Australia's agriculture minister, Barnaby Joyce said despite Johnny and Amber's 'star status' they refused to back down on their strict biosecurity laws:

“If we start letting movie stars – even though they’ve been the sexiest man alive twice – to come into our nation (with pets), then why don’t we just break the laws for everybody?”.

Amber has since been issued with a one-month good behaviour bond of $1,000 after she admitted to falsifying documents.

According to a spokesman for the Department of Agriculture Amber has footed the bill for the video which she and her husband recorded as an apology for their actions.

In the scripted video Amber can be seen saying, Australia is "a treasure trove of unique plants, animals and people", Johnny then continues, "It has to be protected."

Amber also says she is “truly sorry that Pistol and Boo were not declared” adding, “Protecting Australia is important.”

The video which is now available to view on YouTube has been given to the federal Department of Agriculture who have "yet to consider how to best use the video in the longer term”.

They have however said that airlines would now be free to use the video before arriving in the country if they wanted to.