Meet the Emma Watson doppelgänger everyone's talking about

Their resemblance is uncanny

Emma Watson
Published 13th Jun 2017
Last updated 13th Jun 2017

This is Emma Watson, the 27-year-old actress famous for starring in the Harry Potter films and more recently the live action remake of Beauty and the Beast.

Emma Watson

Emma Watson © PA Images

And this is Kari Lewis, also 27-years-old. Kari is a mum from Indianapolis who works in a video rental shop (yes apparently they are still a thing in the States), and she looks uncannily like the British actress.

Kari has recently found fame on social media posting photos of herself dressed as Hermione Granger from Harry Potter and Belle from Beauty and the Beast. However, she admitted to BuzzFeed that when she was first spotted as an Emma Watson lookalike, she didn't even know who the actress was!

"I had no idea who Hermione was, nor have I ever heard of that name, at the time since this was when the first Harry Potter film was released. So, my mom and I had to look it up and find out who she was," Kari told Buzzfeed.


"If it wasn't for those two young girls, I probably wouldn't have known about Harry Potter until a bit later. I think they sort of started my dive into the Harry Potter universe."

Since finding out she looked like the Harry Potter actress Kari started reading the books and of course she loved them.

Here is Kari dressed as Belle from Beauty and the Beast.

Kari now regularly dresses as Emma at cosplay conventions, often in the full Hogwarts uniform.

Speaking to Digital Spy Kari said, "I started dressing up as Hermione and Belle because people told me I should give it a go – I just didn't realise it would become so popular on social media.

"I love dressing up for fun and have always wanted to get into acting,

"It would be so cool to meet Emma, I'd probably sob my eyes out if I did".

Just look how similar they look below!

Check out our gallery of Fans Who Look Like Exactly Like Celebrities >>


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