Harrison Ford slams "ridiculous" selfies & calls self obsession on social media a "disaster"

We presume he doesn't follow Kim Kardashian on Instagram, then

Published 10th Dec 2015

If you ever bump into Harrison Ford, here’s a handy tip – don’t ask him for a selfie!

The 73-year-old acting legend has launched a stinging tirade against the “self-obsessed” youth of today and brandished selfies as “ridiculous.”

Speaking to GQ Magazine to promote Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Han Solo himself blasted: “Do I think our youth can make a difference in the world? No not really. Too self-obsessed. They have no desire to seek the truth.”


Continuing his rant, Harrison said he can’t understand why people are so fixated with their own popularity on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Asked by the magazine whether he ever taken a selfie, Harrison said: “No. No! It's ridiculous. What is a culture that obsesses over a number of 'likes', or the number of followers one has on social media? It's a disaster.

“Self-obsession is devouring our need to find answers.”

One of the most anticipated movies of all time, Star Wars: The Force Awakens finally hits cinemas across the globe on 17th December.