Footage Shows Beyonce's Sister Attacking Jay Z

Leaked footage shows a disagreement between Solange Jay Z.

Published 12th May 2014

A video has emerged, appearing to show the moment that Solange Knowles launched a physical attack on her sister's husband, Jay Z.

According to sources at TMZ, the altercation took place at a Met Ball afterparty that the stars recently attended in New York.

CCTV footage from a lift in the Standard Hotel shows the singer screaming and swinging punches at her brother-in-law. At one point Solange throws a kick and Jay Z grabs her foot, but he never attempts to fight back.

The attack was drawn to an end when a bodyguard eventually stepped in, restraining Solange and pressing the emergency lift stop button, presumably to avoid any onlookers witnessing the disagreement. Beyoncé stood by throughout, without getting physically involved.

While it is unclear what caused Solange's rage, the pair had not put their differences behind them by the time they left the venue, with only Beyoncé attempting a smile for the cameras. As Beyoncé and Solange went to sit in a car, Jay Z opted for a separate ride home, entering a different car, parked nearby.

The leaked video can be seen here.