Work starts to install electric vehicle charging points in West Norfolk

26 charging points are being installed across the district

Author: Matt SoanesPublished 9th Aug 2022

Work has started to install new electric vehicle charging points in seven locations across West Norfolk.

The first points to be installed will be at the Chapel Street car park, Lynnsport North car park, and Gaywood Library car park in King's Lynn, and Valentine Road car park in Hunstanton.

A total of 26 are going in, with other locations including the car park at Centre Point, Fairstead and Austin Street East car park in King's Lynn, and North Street car park, Burnham Market.

All points will be operational by mid-October.

Councillor Paul Kunes, cabinet member for the environment said: “The Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk is fully committed to playing its part in tackling climate change and has already taken many steps on its own net zero journey.

"We are also committed to helping our community to do the same.

“Lack of off-street parking at home can pose a barrier when people are considering the switch to electric vehicles, but we are removing that by making nearby charging facilities available.

"It is also a benefit for visitors who drive to the area in electric vehicles."

As the chargers will be at council owned car parks, free parking will be provided overnight between 6pm and 8am to allow local people to charge up.

Normal charges will apply during the day.