New weapons to become illegal next year - but you can hand them in without prosecution

Police forces are offering amnesties

Author: Beth PriddingPublished 13th Dec 2020

People across the East are being given three months to hand in any items that'll soon be classed as 'offensive weapons'.

More items - including specified rapid fireing rifles, bump stocks and more types of knives, will now become illegal.

But anyone who has a newly-defined offensive weapon, could receive compensation for handing it in - with a flick knife getting ÂŁ20 or a baton bringing in ÂŁ10.

Meanwhile, handing in a firearm could see people given up to ÂŁ5,000.

Anyone handing a weapon in won't face prosecution for having it - as long as it's done before the new rules come in on the 9th of March.

Temporary Chief Inspector of Norfolk Police, Jon Chapman head of the Joint Roads and Armed Policing Team said:

"It is extremely important that anyone who is currently in possession of one of the above items, is aware of the change in legislation.

"Although there is a three month surrender period, we urge lawful owners of these items to either return them to a designated police station or contact their local licencing department as soon as possible.

"The reason for this being that anyone found in possession of these items after the surrender period will effectively be in possession of an illegal weapon or firearm and could face up to ten years in prison.

"Please ensure that when you are transporting items to one of the designated police stations, you do so in a safe manner. This includes wrapping items or placing them in a bag or a box, if possible. Please also make sure that you do not take the items out until you are requested to do so by a police officer or member of staff.

"Members of the public should also continue to adhere to the Covid regulations when attending stations by making sure they are wearing a mask and socially distancing from those around them.

"If possible, please call 101 beforehand to ensure officers or staff are aware of your visit."