Norfolk firefighters reminding us how dangerous our homes can be

They have released a series of short videos with advice

Author: Charlotte FisherPublished 12th Dec 2020

We're being warned of the electrical dangers lurking in our homes by Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service.

Supported by Electrical Trade Association NAPIT, fire staff have produced short videos to raise awareness of the number of electrical fires in homes, the dangers of these fires and how homeowners can spot the early signs and prevent them from happening in the first place.

The video campaign, called L.I.V.E gives advice about what to do if there is an electrical problem, as well as tips on how to reduce the risk at home.

With more people working at home this year, the use of electrical technology in the home has increased.

It follows on from the national Electrical Fire Safety Campaign which Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service was part of, showing the dangers of buying smart technology and cheap electrical products from online retailers and run by Electrical Safety First.

Electrical Safety awareness isn’t just a one-off annual event for the service, with 70% of Norfolk house fires last year having an electrical cause.

This campaign will focus on sharing facts and statistics including social media and video content to educate everyone who lives in a property and raise awareness of the most common causes of electrical fires.

The campaign idea came from Crew Manager Ian Duerden, an ex-professional footballer for Doncaster Rovers FC who retrained to be an electrician and began working as a firefighter in 2004.

Crew Manager Duerden presents the short videos and came up with the campaign slogan L.I.V.E which has a double meaning to represent life and live electrical current. The acronym then goes on to highlight the four main points to ensure electrical fire safety:

L – Look, listen, smell

I – Investigate and isolate

V – Visit to find an approved electrician

E - Emergency, is your house on fire call 999?

Just under half of house fires in England over the last five years had an electrical cause. In 2014-15, 48% of fires were electrical.

These were caused by faulty electrical installations, appliances or leads, or misuse of electrical equipment. In 2018-19, 44% of house fires were caused by an electrical problem. This means that of the 28,570 house fires in 2018-19, 12,986 were related to electrics.

These statistics demonstrate the severity of the issue. Electrical fires in the home are devastating and pose a serious risk to life.

The campaign highlights how electrical work in your home must be done in compliance with the Building Regulations. It reiterates the message of using an electrician certified by a UKAS Accredited, Government Authorised Competent Person Scheme to ensure confidence that the work carried out is safe and complies with the law.

You can view the videos here

Scott Norman, Assistant Chief Fire Officer at Norfolk Fire & Rescue Service, said:

“More than half of the houses fires attended in Norfolk had an electrical cause last year. With more people working at home this year, risks are increased due to the increased use of technology and appliances. Common causes of fires at home include faulty electrical appliances and overloaded plug sockets.”

Councillor Margaret Dewsbury, Cabinet Member for Communities and Partnerships at Norfolk County Council, said:

“These short videos will raise awareness of the common dangers in the home linked to electrics and what to look out for. We are really pleased to have created them, with support from our Trading Standards team and NAPIT, to illustrate the problem to Norfolk residents. Our fire service deals with the devastating aftermath of electrical fires every week, with 299 out of 418 house fires in Norfolk in 2019-20 having an electrical cause.”

Charlotte Lee, Head of External Affairs at NAPIT said:

“NAPIT are delighted to be supporting partners of the L.I.V.E campaign as part of electrical fire safety week this year and beyond, highlighting the dangers of electrical fires in homes and raising awareness on how to be electrically fire safe. Working with Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service allows us to spread this message into local communities in a way that NAPIT alone would not be able to do. The fire service plays a vital role in keeping us safe from the dangers of all fires and the use of registered competent electricians can ensure the electrics in the home are of a safe and compliant standard.”

Frank Bertie, Chairman of The National Association of Professional Inspectors and Testers said,

“It’s been an honour to work with Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service on this electrical safety campaign. The number of fires with electricity as their cause remains high year on year and that is why this campaign is so important to us. The videos we recorded demonstrate how quickly electrical fires can ignite and the real risk to life that electrical fires have. For over 27 years NAPIT have been vocal advocates of improving electrical safety within the industry, and we do our utmost to promote safe standards of work and raise installer competence and consumer awareness.”