Nearly a third of knife criminals in Norfolk are reoffenders

Author: Alex Ross, Data ReporterPublished 3rd Jan 2021

Nearly a third of adult criminals caught carrying a blade in Norfolk have previously committed a knife crime, new figures show.

Anti-knife crime charity the Ben Kinsella Trust says too many offenders 'simply reappear on our streets still carrying weapons'.

The figures from the Ministry of Justice reveal there were 188 convictions and cautions for knife possession in the 12 months up to September.

In 57 cases, or 30%, the offender had committed at least one previous offence of carrying a knife, while in 11 cases there were three or more past offences.

Immediate prison sentences were given in 23 of the repeat offences while 17 were dealt with by suspended jail sentences, five by community orders and three by a caution.

For nine of the offences the outcome was not specified in the data.

Across England and Wales, 12,458 convictions and cautions were given to adult offenders for knife possession in the 12 months up to September.

Out of those, around a third were repeat offenders.

Patrick Green, chief executive of anti-knife charity the Ben Kinsella Trust, said:

"I remain worried about the continuing high levels of repeat offending.

"All too often we see the criminal justice system having little or no effect on habitual knife carriers.

"Despite going before the courts and receiving a conviction, too many offenders simply reappear on our streets still carrying weapons."

Five years ago, new legislation was introduced requiring judges to impose jail terms on adult knife offenders who had already committed a knife crime, unless it would 'make it unjust to do so'.

Section 28 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act, otherwise known as the “two strikes and out” system, applies to repeat adult knife offenders who have had a conviction, not a caution.

Mr Green added:

"These figures ask serious questions about the effectiveness of the Government’s 'two strikes policy' and whether enough is being done to prevent and rehabilitate offenders."

In the 12 months to September, there were 17,914 sentences and cautions given to adults and children for knife offences, down 20% from the same period last year.

In Norfolk the number fell 23%.

The figures include possessing a knife or other offensive weapon. They exclude offences such as murder and assault.

They are also likely to have been impacted by Covid-19, with restrictions in place for half the annual period.

The Ministry of Justice states repeat knife possession offenders should expect a custodial sentence, but added sentencing remained a matter for independent judges.

Justice Minister Chris Philp said:

"This Government is determined to make our streets safer and those caught carrying a knife should expect to face time behind bars.

"We are doing more to build back confidence in the justice system recruiting 20,000 extra police officers, making it easier to use stop and search and ensuring the most serious offenders spend longer in prison."