Covid recovery must be priority for Norfolk

That's according to the leader of the County Council.

Published 7th Sep 2020
Last updated 7th Sep 2020

'Let’s work together to help Norfolk recover from the pandemic - not waste time and money planning for council reshuffles now.'

That’s the message from Norfolk County Council leader Councillor Andrew Proctor, amid speculation about possible local government reorganisation.

The Government is proposing to publish a white paper on devolution in the autumn and it’s likely to include the idea of local government reorganisation.

Some councils, including Surrey, Hertfordshire, Somerset, Lancashire, North Yorkshire, Warwickshire, Lincolnshire and Leicestershire, have already called for unitary authorities to be created although no firm agreements have yet been reached.

Norfolk County Council leader Councillor Andrew Proctor said:

"We’re focussed on tackling Covid 19 and supporting our communities - this is definitely not the time to spend time or money planning for council reshuffles.

"Norfolk’s response to the pandemic has proven how well our councils can work together and I’m committed to continuing that, as we move towards recovery and renewal.

"While I welcome the potential benefits of devolution and I’m not opposed to the principle of local government reform, we need to wait for the Government’s white paper, later this year before we respond.”

A report to the council’s cabinet says:

"Now is certainly not the time for the county council to commit precious resources or time on working up detailed deals or re-structure responses ahead of September 2020 without knowing the full requirements of the white paper or having more certainty about the ongoing risk of a resurgence of COVID 19."

The report concludes:

"Whilst we would certainly welcome further funding and devolved decision-making that would enable us to get the best deal for Norfolk, we do not yet have sufficient detail of the government’s White Paper proposals and requirements.

“We want to reassure our residents that we are focussed on continuing to play our crucial role in tackling Covid-19, helping the county and local economy to recover, and delivering essential high-quality public services. Our objective is to continue to work better together with all our partners across Norfolk to get the best for our economy, people and place.

“Norfolk County Council’s position is that, until such time as the White Paper is published, initiating work on potential re-structures to unitary models or working up a potential deal is premature and not the best use of our collective resources."

The report recommends that the cabinet supports 'the approach taken to date by Norfolk Leaders Group and the county council’s ongoing commitment to closer collaboration and joint working to deliver the best possible services in the most efficient, effective and inclusive manner.'

Cabinet will consider the report when it meets virtually today (7 September).