Calls for proper funding for adult social care in Norfolk
It's as the County Council prepares to make millions in cuts.
Council leaders have highlighted the need for proper adult care funding as Norfolk County Council looks to make almost £40m of savings next year.
The conservative-controlled Norfolk County Council say they need to find just over £39m of savings next year – or £47.8m if they were to make the unlikely decision to freeze council tax.
The cabinet discussed the funding gap at a meeting on Monday, with £17.7m from adult social services and £8.7m from children’s services among the latest savings drive.
Andrew Jamieson, cabinet member for finance, told colleagues that the Covid and rising care costs were of “huge concern” for next years budget.
“We still wait for a suitable long-term solution to the provision of adult social care,” he said.
“Local government funding cannot be sustainable until the funding of adult social care is sustainable.”
Mr Jamieson added a solution to this “critical and ever-increasing problem is long overdue.”
The cabinet member described putting up council tax by 1.99pc as “almost centrally mandated”.
The leader of the council, Andrew Proctor, said that the budget pressures could not be entirely supported by either council tax increases or savings and there would have to be a balance.
He echoed Mr Jamieson’s calls for adult social care funding from central government and said he had written to Sajid Javid, the new health minister, to remind him of the need.
A green paper on social care reform has been delayed time and time again, to the frustration of politicians from all parties.
In his letter, Mr Proctor invited Mr Javid to come to Norfolk to see how the council and the wider health system had supported the government’s work to combat Covid-19.
Cabinet members agreed to a series of recommendations, including closing the £39m budget gap in 2022-23, review the budget risks and implications of announcements made in the spring budget, and the proposed approach to budget setting.
Details of cuts have yet to be decided, with public consultation expected in October.
Proposed savings for next year, per department, are:
Adult Social Services: £17.700m
Children’s Services: £8.700m
Community and Environmental Services: £8.700m
Finance and Commercial Services: £1.800m
Finance General: £1.300m
Governance: £0.400m
Strategy and Transformation: £0.500m
Total savings target: £39.100m