Three charged with murdering Wolverhampton teen

A man and two 16-year-olds have been charged with murdering Ronan Kanda.

Author: Kellie MaddoxPublished 3rd Jul 2022

The 16-year-old was stabbed to death on Mount Road, Lanesfield just before 9pm on Wednesday (29 June).

A post-mortem revealed he died after being stabbed twice.

Last night, Josiah Francis, 20, of Westcote Avenue, Birmingham, was charged with murder, along with two 16-year-old boys.

All will appear before Wolverhampton magistrates tomorrow (4 July).

A 15-year-old boy and an 18-year-old man held earlier this week have been released on police bail.

Ronan’s family, who are being supported by specially trained officers, said: “Ronan was a kind-hearted, loving, caring 16-year-old. Our son and a brother who would do anything for anyone.

“He was a funny character who made everyone laugh around him.

“He is taken from us cruelly and our hearts are broken.

“We want everyone to pray for his soul now. We will always love you our son and my brother and you will live within us now.”

West Midlands Police are examining CCTV and forensic evidence. Detectives are keen to hear from anyone who may have been driving in the area at the time and who may have captured dashcam footage of the attack or the build-up to it.

You can contact us via Live Chat on our website or by calling 101. Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.