Lipoedema: Sign our petition for fairer treatment and funding

It affects one in 10 women

Published 17th Jun 2019
Last updated 17th Jun 2019

After a week-long investigation, we're launching a petition calling for fairer treatment and funding for women on the NHS.

There's little research into the condition which affects mobility and causes pain in millions of people.

Treatment isn't offered on the NHS because it's classed as cosmetic, so women have to raise thousands of pounds for liposuction treatment.

This week, we've heard from 20-year-old Clodagh from Birmingham who started noticing her bum, arms, stomach and legs swelling around two years ago.

Then we heard from experts calling for lipoedema to be taken seriously.

And we've had an overwhelming response from women living with it in Cheltenham, Bristol, Liverpool, Teesside and Edinburgh.

We've challenged health officials and brought this to the attention of a Birmingham MP whose mum and sister have the condition.

Now, we're taking action on behalf of those women.

We want the NHS in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to have a consistent and equitable approach.

So that, all women in the United Kingdom can access a lipoedema specialist to assess their suitability for liposuction.

Then, for that liposuction to be carried out and be funded by the NHS by suitably trained surgeons in liposuction for lipoedema.

Sign our 'A Life With Lipoedema' petition: