Lipoedema forces Teesside mum to stop having children

Millions of women around the world are affected with the condition

Zoe Peerce
Published 13th Jun 2019

A Healthcare Assistant from Billingham in Teesside has taken the decision to not have any more children as it makes her lipoedema worse.

27-year-old Zoe Pearce had two children within a short time of each other but it aggravated the condition.

She's been sharing her story with us:

"In 2015, I'd lost three stone but the bottom of my legs had got bigger.

"I went to the doctors and she thought I had lymphedema, she gave me water tablets but they didn't do anything.

"Two weeks later, I went back and she referred me to a hospital.

"From there, I also found out I was pregnant and it can affect and trigger lipoedema.

"I'm very fortunate because I don't get pain with mine, my legs feel heavy and it's uncomfortable for me.

"I'm always convinced people are looking at me.

"I'm stage 3, but my sister is stage 1/2 and her legs are the ones that people need to focus on, as getting treatment at an earlier stage can slow down the progression.

Zoe Peerce

"I try to be positive because it's happened and you have to deal with it.

"I'm always getting my legs out on social media.

"There's more and more people talking about it, because yes you will get someone say you're just fat, but you will get a lot of people who will see your legs and say they think they have it.

"There's a lot of doctors who don't believe in it still, I think.

"I just wish more people would know about it so when teenage girls look at their legs they'll be able to go to the doctors.

"I look in the mirror and hate what I see, I have lipoedema in my arms and legs.

"My bottom half is a 24 and that's because of my calves.

"You can't let it win"

"Lipoedema is mainly in the bottoms of my legs.

"If a top has arms on it, I'm looking at a size 20 - 24.

"I want it to be more normal, so people don't think they're weird or a freak.

"You punish yourself because you think it's your fault, and it's not.

"You're not alone, you can still live a full life.

"You can't let it win, you can't let it make you sit at home and do nothing."