Labour leader sets out vision for The Party in Birmingham

Sir Keir Starmer outline plans for 'a new Britain' under his leadership

The Labour leader is visiting Birmingham to set out his vision for the party's future.
Author: Polly BayfieldPublished 4th Jan 2022
Last updated 4th Jan 2022

The Labour is visiting Birmingham today (4th January) to set out his vision for a future the party.

Sir Keir Starmer has delivered a keynote speech at Millennium Point in the city - where he outlined plans for a new Britain in which people can enjoy "security, prosperity and respect."

In his speech, he said he believes everyone should have the opportunity to thrive - with a big focus on developing people's skills before taking a tour around Tyseley Energy Park in the afternoon.

Before his visit to Tyseley Energy Park, the Labour leader said;

"The cost of living is increasing. Energy bills are going up; wages are stagnant. Tax rises are coming in April. Too many people do not feel safe in their streets. And good luck to anyone trying to get a quick GP appointment."

After losing an opportunity to gain another Labour seat at the North Shropshire by-election before Christmas, he said: "I am well aware that just because the Tories lose the public's trust, it doesn't mean Labour simply inherits it. Trust has to be earned. I am confident but not complacent about the task ahead."

Sir Keir also mentioned he wants to set out his vision for a future Labour government based on "security, prosperity and respect".

He set out in his speech to local politicians and the media on how everyone has a right to feel safe, to rely on the NHS when needed, and to have job security in exchange for hard work.

The "best still lies ahead" in 2022

As a new year begins, he outlined how he believes everyone should have the opportunity to thrive, with a focus on building skills.

"This year, 2022 is a big year. It is Her Majesty the Queen's platinum jubilee. This city is looking forward to hosting the Commonwealth Games. We will host the women's Euros and our men's team will compete in the World Cup.

"The Britain I want is a country in which those who contribute get something back. Because 2022 is also the first year in which we need to tackle some big challenges: repairing after the pandemic; combating the climate crisis; making Brexit work.

"I believe that the best still lies ahead for this country. But only if we have the courage to create a new Britain. A country in which you and your family get the security, prosperity and respect you deserve."

However Conservative Party chairman Oliver Dowden criticised the speech as "out of touch".