"I was called fat to my face": 20-year-old woman on living with lipoedema

Clodagh suddenly started gaining weight on her bum, legs and arms.

Published 17th Jun 2019
Last updated 17th Jun 2019

A Birmingham woman's bravely speaking out about an incurable condition which causes millions across the UK to be mistaken at overweight.

20-year-old Clodagh's bum, arms, stomach and legs started to swell about two years ago.

But after initially being diagnosed with polycystic ovaries - she went to the doctor with her own research about Lipoedema.

This is her story:

"It was about two years ago where I noticed I started gaining weight, it was quite slow to start off with.

"It just got worse and worse, it's not stopping at the moment.

"I've done every single diet you can think of"

"To start off with I thought I was just gaining normal weight, I used to go to the gym every night after work and I've always eaten healthy.

"So, I just changed things up at the gym - I've literally done every single diet you can think of and nothing works.

"About a year ago, we started going to the doctors, because it got to a point where it was getting worse and worse.

"To start off with they diagnosed me with polycystic ovaries, because you tend to gain weight, that's what they thought it was.

"I was put on medication but nothing seemed to work.

"But, we found out about Lipoedema as a mutual friend's had all the surgery done.

"We had to do our own research to bring to our GP because they didn't know what it was, we had to tell them about it.

"We went back to the hospital and told them they need to do something about it.

"I was referred to a clinic but all they could offer was compression tights which were really uncomfortable to wear.

"I need the surgery, this is something which will change my life.

"It's not something I want because I don't like the way I look, it's something I need to have.

"For it to be classed as cosmetic surgery is really upsetting.

"I can't afford the surgery on my own, it's £10,900 roughly per surgery and I need six.

"Even for one, it's such a massive amount of money.

"It's so hard to describe, I just don't feel like this is me at the moment.

"I'm in pain every single day"

"I'm in pain every single day, it's just really hard to live with.

"You feel like people are judging you all the time, people just think you're overweight.

"We're just stuck in this place where people aren't understanding what the condition is.

"They think we're just making an excuse for being overweight.

"They don't understand how painful it is, you don't know what people are living with.

"I used to take public transport to work and I've had people call me fat to my face. "

Clodagh is trying to raise money for her surgery which will cost more than £60,000.