'I'll go to Germany': Lipoedema sufferer travels for cheaper treatment

It's not funded on the NHS because it's classed as cosmetic

Published 14th Jun 2019

Melanie Rowland has travelled from Wiltshire to Germany three times already for surgery on her lipoedema.

The 50-year-old found out she had the condition after having surgery and noticing an improvement when wearing compression.

She tried to find similar compression online and saw images of legs which looked like hers.

Melanie's sharing her story about choosing to travel hundreds of miles for treatment:

"I've spent 30 years of my life dieting, trying to lose weight, I've had personal trainers, I've spent hours and hours in the gym.

"I've spent my life being told by GP's my BMI is too high and I need to lose weight.

"Buying clothes is really bad, normal trousers, shoes, boots, do not fit.

"I first went to the Hanse clinic in Germany in Summer 2017 to have initial consultation for them to confirm the diagnosis and agree a way forward.

"I had my first surgery in January 2018.

"My decision to have surgery was made because I started to get lymphedema in both legs.

"I'd been to the doctors many times to say "I can't lose weight" to be told I just need to try harder.

"It was only by accident I found pictures of women with similar shaped legs.

"I googled who was the expert in the UK in the condition, I found Professor Peter Mortimer, went to see him and he said I had the condition.

"He talked me through options, but first I had to start wearing compression almost immediately.

"The support is quite minimal, I got eight Manual Lymphatic Drainage massages from the NHS and that was it.

"I get two pairs of compression garments a year.

Melanie Rowland

"Having spoken to Professor Mortimer, he explained one of the best clinics was the Hanse clinic in Germany.

"I kept emailing them until they could see me for an appointment.

"I've had three surgeries so far, each surgery has cost between £4,500 to £5,000, that includes the flight and the hotel.

"My first surgery was inner thighs, I then had lower legs, then I had outer thighs.

"I flew out the night before surgery, then stay in a local hotel, I'm at the clinic by 8am the next morning and generally out of surgery by lunchtime.

"I'm really pleased I've had the surgery.

"I will be going back to Germany for more surgery, upper arms and abdomen, I'm really happy with Germany.

"I could go to the UK but the cost would be at least twice as much, because I'd still have to pay privately.

"That being the case I'll go for the cheapest, best, option for me.

"I would support a petition to have funding on the NHS."