Herefordshire mobile COVID-19 testing unit re-assigned

The facility at Ross-on-Wye will be used as part of efforts to test for the South Africa variant

Author: Phoebe GreggorPublished 5th Feb 2021

One of Herefordshire’s COVID-19 mobile testing units has been redeployed to the help the government’s “surge testing” campaign in targeted areas to better understand the spread, and supress, the South African variant.

The least-used mobile testing units, which includes the one at Ross-on-Wye, across the country are being reassigned by NHS Test and Trace to work in those areas where cases of the South African variant, which do not appear to have travel links, have been found.

Herefordshire residents who develop COVID-19 symptoms of a high temperature, a new persistent cough and/or loss of taste or smell, should immediately self-isolate and book a test.

There are testing sites at Leominster and Merton Meadow, Hereford; as well as Hempstead Meadow, Gloucester; and Como Road, Malvern; or residents can order a postal test kit if they cannot get to one of the sites.

Herefordshire’s Acting Director of Public Health Dr Rebecca Howell-Jones said: “It is very important different parts of the country work together to tackle COVID-19 and while we want to provide comprehensive testing for our own residents, it is crucial resources are focused on the areas that need them most.

“Suppressing the transmission of this new COVID-19 variant is not just for the benefit of the people living in those areas where it has been discovered, but for us all.

“Everyone in Herefordshire can still play their part in reducing the spread of COVID-19 - keeping themselves and their loved ones safe - by following the three simple steps of washing their hands regularly and thoroughly, keeping 2 metres apart from others outside their home and wearing face coverings in indoor public settings like shops and businesses

“It is also important, where possible, for people to work from home as this will help to suppress the transmission.”