Councils urged to provide ‘lifeline’ Community Heating Hubs

The MP for North Shropshire, Helen Morgan has written to the leader of Shropshire Council

Author: Claire EmmsPublished 17th Aug 2022

A North Shropshire MP - is calling for more help for people facing rising energy bills this winter.

Helen Morgan is urging councils to open public spaces like leisure centres and libraries - so that people who cant afford to heat their homes - have somewhere to go.

Her calls for Community Heating Hubs come as more pressure is being put on the Government to help people with rising energy bills

In a letter to Shropshire Council leader Lezley Picton, Helen Morgan said: “Places like libraries and leisure centres could easily be adapted to provide a safe space for people to sit and keep warm during the day, at no extra cost to the tax payer.

“Community Heating Hubs are simple, easily implemented and could be a literal lifeline for some households this winter.”

The Liberal Democrats have demanded action from the Government to tackle rising energy bills and were the first party to call for October’s price cap hike to be scrapped and funded by an expanded windfall tax.

Helen, the Lib Dem spokesperson for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, added: “I’ve been helping lots of constituents to access support as they struggle with the cost of living. Many of them are scared and wondering how they will cope in the winter when energy prices rise.

“We need action from the Government to stop the extortionate energy price rise. But while the Conservative Ministers remain missing in action, councils can offer local solutions to help make sure that nobody has to choose between heating and eating.

“Community Heating Hubs are a simple and cheap way to support vulnerable people in need and they should be introduced in Shropshire and across the country.”

Helen has also written to Secretary of State Greg Hands urging him to make sure that all local authorities open Community Heating Hubs this winter.