Vaughan Gething faces first FMQs

This is the first time Vaughan Gething will face questions from across the Senedd floor as First Minister

Vaughan Gething addressed his first press conference as First Minister ahead of his first FMQ's appearence.
Author: Claire BoadPublished 16th Apr 2024

Vaughan Gething will face Senedd members for the first time as First Minister in his first First Minister's Questions.

Vaughan Gething took over as First Minister of Wales after winning the Welsh Labour leadership election on the 16th of March.

He beat then Education Minister Jeremy Miles to the top job.

Gething was then elected First Minister of Wales by Senedd members on the 20th of March.

Because his selection of First Minister took place just before the Easter recess, he is only now facing questions from Senedd members and the leaders of the Welsh Conservatives and Plaid Cymru.

But the Easter break didn't stop the new First Minister from getting to work.

In his first press conference as First Minister, Vaughan Gething said 'over the past three weeks, I have met with the BMA, postponing NHS strikes. I have met with farming unions to discuss their concerns for the future. And I have met withsteel workers to understand the challenges that we face together.

'These meetings will send a clear message on what my early priorities are and areas that I recognise need urgent attention'.

The new First Minister warned that difficult decisions lie ahead as government budgets continue to be restricted.

This warning comes after the National Museum of Wales warned that the Cardiff Museum may have to close after funding cuts mean vital repairs on the building cannot go ahead.

'It has never been more important to ensure that all our resources across government are focused on what matters most. over a decade of unrelenting austerity and attacks on Wales's funding means we must prioritise more than ever'.

At this press conference, Vaughan Gething said that, whilst the museum did play an important role in tourism for Cardiff, it was not a priority for his government to increase funding.

First Minister's Questions starts at 1:30pm