‘It Has To Be Teesside’ Launch

Published 26th Aug 2015

A new organisation which aims to tackle the Teesside area’s long-running ‘identity crisis’ has launched today.

TeessideTogether is looking for public support for establishing Teesside as the recognised identity for the area.

The group argues that, after almost 20 years, all efforts to persuade local people that they are from the ‘Tees Valley’ have failed and says that, at a time when there are tremendous opportunities with the drive towards regional devolution through the Government’s Northern Powerhouse agenda, the area will be at a grave disadvantage unless it resolves its identity crisis.

Dave Roberts, Chairman, said:

“I believe that our local authorities and others are to be congratulated for their commitment to work together to benefit from the opportunities offered in the ‘devolution revolution.’ However, all those efforts will be greatly weakened unless we resolve the identity crisis. It is hard to believe that we will ever be able to become recognised as a top flight ‘city region’ alongside areas such as Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield—and yes, Newcastle!—under the ‘Tees Valley’ brand.

“I do not believe we are alone in recognising that reality. Take for example the views of the Northern Powerhouse Minister and local MP James Wharton when he says ‘Teesside must be at the heart of the Northern Powerhouse’ or Redcar’s Labour MP Anna Turley when she says ‘We already have a northern powerhouse and it’s called Teesside.’

TeessideTogether has also revealed ambitious plans for events to involve all parts of the area and showcase what Teesside has to offer.

You can find all the information and take part in the vote at: www.teessidetogether.com