Small scale cannabis users and growers to escape prosecution

Durham's Police and Crime Commissioner is defending the decision to NOT take action against people who grow small amounts of cannabis.

Published 22nd Jul 2015

Durham's Police and Crime Commissioner is defending the decision to NOT take action against people who grow small amounts of cannabis. Ron Hogg said resources are better directed towards tracking down criminal gangs instead of those who grow it for personal use.

Ron told Metro Radio this does not mean he is condoning the use of cannabis.

"We are not saying cannabis usage is good," he said.

"Every drug has potential harms, including alchohol and tobacco, so we're not condoning it.

"We are saying we will help you to break your habit if you want to work with us.

"If people choose to break that contract then we will prosecute."

Ron said he hopes the decision will spark a national debate about drug laws.

There has been a back-lash against the decision from some national charities, though.

North East-based Props said not criminalising people is a good thing but that the focus should be treatment for drug-users.

They said warned people are often not aware of just how addcitive cannabis is and are urging families to always come forward if they are concerned about a loved one using the drug.