Prince Harry sends support to Ashington ex-soldier jailed in India

Published 4th Oct 2016

The family of an Ashington ex-soldier imprisoned in Indian has been given a boost - after receiving a letter of support from Prince William.

Nick Dunn was sentenced to five years for firearms charges along with five other Brits - including Catterick's Nick Simpson.

Last week the families faced further delays when the men's bail hearing was pushed back to October 19th.

Lisa Dunn, Nick's sister, said another campaigner had written to Prince Harry to alert him to their plight.

This is the reply from Kensington Palace:

Prince Harry has asked me to thank you for your letter of 14th September in connection with Nick Dunn and his colleagues.

His Royal Highness is grateful to you for taking the trouble to write to him as you did but I regret that he is unable to become personally involved in the way that you ask. It is, however, my understand the Foreign and Commonwealth Office is already monitoring Mr Dunn's situation.

Prince Harry has asked me to send you his very best wishes and hopes that there will be a resolution soon.