Police warning for nuisance bikers in East Durham and Darlington

From this week, off-road bikes, quads & 4x4s will be seized straightaway

Author: Tom HailePublished 10th Feb 2022

From this week, anyone seen riding an off-road bike, quad or 4x4 in East Durham or Darlington will have their vehicle seized straightaway.

The scheme, brought in under Durham Constabulary’s Operation Endurance, aims to crackdown on nuisance riders and motorists initially in the Peterlee and Darlington Neighbourhood Policing areas.

Section 59 warning signs are being erected in the areas to notify potential offenders of the new powers and combat the antisocial behaviour which is often linked to them.

The areas identified for the signs are Peterlee, Shotton Colliery, Wingate and Darlington.

The force is also working with its partners including Durham’s Police and Crime Commission Joy Allen, Durham County Council and Darlington Borough Council to raise awareness of the scheme and encourage residents to report any incidents as they happen to help identify those responsible.

The notices also cover e-scooters which are currently illegal to use anywhere other than private land.

Sergeant Gavin Rutter, of Peterlee Neighbourhood Team, said:

“We are committed to working with our local communities and partner agencies in order to tackle issues that have a detrimental effect on residents and we always strive to implement long-term solutions with a problem solving approach so the Section 59 signs are a key tool to help us take positive action against offenders when acting on vital information from members of the public regarding off road vehicle nuisance.”

The force’s Casualty Reduction Coordinator, Nicola Bowman, added:

“We all know how much of a plague on society bikes, quads and other motorised vehicles cause to our community.

“Working together with partner agencies, Operation Endurance was introduced to find a way to reduce the impact on society and as a force, we will take any action necessary against offenders and we would urge members of the public to provide information to assist us.”

Commissioner Allen said:

"This innovative initiative will be very much welcomed by local residents in the affected areas who have been calling for these illegally driven bikes to be confiscated immediately to prevent the drivers causing harassment, alarm and distress in their local communities as well as untold damage to community open spaces.

"I would urge anyone who knows where these bikes are being stored or who is riding them illegally to ring 101 and share vital community intelligence so we can seize the bikes and take enforcement action against the riders."

Joanne Waller, Durham County Council’s head of community protection, said:

“Although often caused by a small few, anti-social behaviour can have a big impact on communities and residents’ wellbeing.

"We know that in particular anti-social behaviour involving off-road vehicles can be very intimidating for those that live within a community, so we are continuing to work with our partners and would encourage residents to report these incidences as they are happening.

"Reports can be made in confidentiality and will help ensure any behaviour of this kind is tackled and resolved swiftly.”

Cllr Jonathan Dulston, deputy leader of Darlington Borough Council, said:

“The use of off-road vehicles can on many occasions have a detrimental effect on the quality of life for those living in or visiting areas where this anti-social behaviour is committed and we welcome and support this approach in an effort to target such activity and those responsible.”

To report a nuisance vehicle, call 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 08000 555 111.