Philippe, Philippe Albert - Everyone Knows His Name

Published 1st Dec 2014

It's 20th October 1996.

Newcastle are welcoming Man United to St James' Park.

Some 7 months earlier a 1-0 loss to Alex Ferguson marked the beginning of the end for Kevin Keegan's title dream.

From start to finish, Newcastle would be simply, unplayable.

1st, Darren Peacock’s header from a Ginola corner crept over the line.

Newcastle 1-0 Man U

2nd, Ginola’s right-footed SMASH, Peter Schmeichel had no chance.

Newcastle 2-0 Man U

3rd, Shearer, arguably the best crosser of a ball who never played on the wing, whipped in a delicious ball for Sir Les Ferdinand, his header rattled the bar but ended in the net.

Newcastle 3-0 Man U

4th, Shearer, he had to get on the score sheet, he actually started the move, passing to Beardsley, he shot, the keeper parried, Ferdinand shot, the keeper denied, Wor Al, smashed one home.

Newcastle 4-0 Man U

If that was icing on the cake, the next goal was the cherry on the top.

This was a goal from black-and-white heaven.

And this is why Taylor Payne and Stephen Best want to make a documentary...

The commentary is the inspiration for the title of their kickstarter funded documentary "Looking for Number 5"

And the ridiculously amazing player that got that 5th goal on that memorable night is the player they're trying to find.

Just why Philippe Albert was in the final third only he can tell you, and that's what Taylor and Besty will get an answer to.

Back to 1996...Rob Lee and David Batty combined on the left before the Londoner fed Albert.

Albert with a left-foot carved by the footballing Gods chipped Schmeichel, arguably the greatest goalkeeper of his generation, he was stranded, he watched the ball fall almost in slow-motion over his head.

St James' erupted, 5-0, written into Geordie Folklore.

Back to 2014.

Sat 22nd November, Newcastle have just won their 6th competitive game in a row, beating QPR 1-0 at home.

Taylor and Besty are drunkenly talking about which player they'd love to see again, which goal was the greatest.

By Monday morning the drunken thoughts turned into a full length feature film idea to find Philippe, what's he done since Newcastle, where is he now, will he recreate THAT goal?

They're hoping, as are a lot of Newcastle fans, they'll get their answers with "Looking for Number 5" - we say a lot, in less than 24hrs their funding campaign was smashed.

They're more than on their way to doubling it, you can get involved here.