More parents should learn baby CPR says County Durham life-saver

Only 1 in 3 North East parents said they would know what to do if their baby stopped breathing.

Published 19th Jan 2016

A County Durham man who saved a baby using CPR is urging North East parents to take up the life-saving skill.

Two-thirds of parents in our region said they wouldn't know what to do if their baby stopped breathing, according to St John Ambulance.

Those figures shock Daniel Measom from County Durham, who saved the life of a 13-month-old baby in October 2014.

A distressed neighbour knocked on the 24-year-old's door with his lifeless looking baby girl.

Daniel took the baby and carried out a primary survey, realising she wasn't breathing.

He then performed CPR on the baby until paramedics arrived and a heartbeat was established at the scene.

The baby girl was then transferred to hospital where she made a full recovery.

Call centre worker Daniel said: "It's an absolute worry, any child could suffer a very unfortunate event.

"When a baby stops breathing, you're counting down the seconds of that baby's brain being starved of oxygen.

"Without CPR the likelihood of the baby surviving is very little.

"First aid should be taught from primary school age.

"Just by me knowing CPR and bring trained from quite a young age with the cadets, I saved a life.

"It's something I'm now quite passionate about."

St John Ambulance have now launched their Nursery Rhymes Inc campaign to teach parents and the wider public how to assist a baby who's stopped breathing.

It features nursery rhyme characters singing a catchy song so parents can remember how to carry out baby first aid should they need it.

The characters of Nursery Rhymes Inc. explain the steps to saving a baby who’s unconscious and not breathing. These are:

  1. Call 999/112 for an ambulance If you’re on your own, you need to give one minute’s worth of CPR before you can call for help, taking your baby with you.
  1. 5 puffs Put your lips around their mouth and nose and blow steadily for up to one second. Give five puffs in total.
  1. 30 pumps Using two fingers in the centre of the chest, give 30 pumps at a rate of 100-120 per minute
  1. Repeat 2 puffs and 30 pumps until help arrives

The charity is putting on special baby first aid courses forparents and parents-to-be for just £25.

To find your nearest course, or watch more first aid videos and advice, go HERE