#Olympics - TFM replaces stolen banners for Amy Tinkler

The Bishop Auckland Bronze medalist arrives home later today.

Published 23rd Aug 2016

TFM have replaced a welcome home banner that was STOLEN overnight.

Amy Tinkler, the 16 year old from Bishop Auckland, won a Bronze medal for Team GB at the Rio Olympics.

Today (Tuesday 23rd August) she arrives back home and will get a hero's welcome as soon as she steps off the plane.

Her club, South Durham Gymnastics took to Facebook to post this:

"With only hours to go until our Olympic Medallist Amy Tinkler arrives home it's with great sadness that some thieves have taken down the banner we had put up on Bracksfarm roundabout at the entrance to Amy's estate!!!

We were very excited for Amy to see how much the town was getting behind her and would like to ask anyone who perhaps knows the whereabouts of the sign to kindly return it before midnight!!!

if you have taken it as a souvenir then please take it back and perhaps we could arrange for it to be signed and given back to you once Amy has returned home!!

Please share this post and let's try to get this banner back up for Amy's homecoming!"

We answered the call and joined up with SignTech to produce the new sign, which is in place on the Bracksfarm Roundabout.

Paul Anderson, Trustee at South Durham Gymnastics said: "The response we got through social media last night was amazing and getting it all put right today is great.

"We've had the banners up a couple of weeks - it's remarkable and hopefully she'll come home and see all of this."