North East kids worrying more about world events like terrorism and Brexit

Half of parents in the North East believe teachers should share the responsibility of explaining big world issues to children.

Published 21st Jul 2016

Half of parents in the North East believe teachers should share the responsibility of explaining modern world issues to young children.

A study by gaming giants Nintendo found 72% of parents in our region say their children are growing up faster than they did in the modern world.

That's despite the fact that most also wanted their children to stay up to date with global issues.

Figures show children are growing increasingly anxious and worried about big global events and parents want teachers to explain.

But the National Teachers Union say teachers would struggle to cope with the extra work.

North East Officer Mike McDonald said: "If parents feel ill-equiped to deal with such issues with their own children, then some teachers feel that way as well.

"I think they would welcome some guidance, some support and some training.

"With the rigidity of the national curriculum, to free up some time, I think that's another issue that would help support children through these issues.

"Clearly parents need some assistance and support from schools, and teachers currently do their very best.

"However teachers face immense difficulties doing so."