Middlesbrough MP Warns of Hospital Job Crisis

Middlesbrough MP Tom Blenkinsop has warned there could be a severe job crisis at one of the town's largest hospitals.

Published 5th Aug 2015

Middlesbrough MP Tom Blenkinsop has warned there could be a severe job crisis at one of the town's largest hospitals.

James Cook Hospital has been ordered by healthcare regulator Monitor to freeze recruitment.

That's despite a shortage of nurses identified by the Care Quality Commission.

They found that there were shortages of nurses across children's wards and the emergency departments.

Mr Blenkinsop says the hospital are in an impossible situation, stuck between government two different government recommendations.

He said: "So there we have it; one Government body is asking for a jobs freeze, whilst the other is stressing the need, in the interests of the patient, to boost the number of nursing staff on the wards.

“The suggestion that hospitals can ignore safe staffing guidance alarms me, and it will certainly alarm patients and their families."

TFM contacted representatives from South Tees NHS Trust.

They say they regularly check their staffing to meet demand for care.

They said: "We have imposed tighter controls on our vacancies but we are continuing to recruit to posts that are crucial to providing patient care, including on-going efforts to recruit to consultant and nursing posts.”