Middlesbrough mam says ALL women should know cervical cancer symptoms

Leanne Sewell was only 25 when she was diagnosed, just four months after she delayed her smear test.

Published 25th Jan 2016

A Middlesbrough mam who overcame cervical cancer says it's so important women know the symptoms BEFORE they're invited for their first smear.

Leanne Sewell was only 25 when she was diagnosed with cervical cancer.

She underwent laser treatment and has been cancer-free since.

The 31-year-old is concerned that not enough women know how to spot the symptoms of cervical cancer ahead of their first smear test aged 25.

It's as research by charity Jo's Trust found that only a third of women aged 25-29 are taking up their invitation for cervical screenings.

The current rules state that you cannot have a smear unless you are 25 years of age, despite numerous calls to have the age lowered.

Leanne says it's about women talking to other women and spreading information about symptoms.

She said: "The whole reason I tell quite a personal story is because I want people to be aware of the symptoms, be aware of the smear test and that they're not as bad as people say they are.

"It is good to be aware of these symptoms.

"Just because you haven't hit your 25th birthday doesn't mean that you can't be aware and keep it in the back of your mind.

"Most importantly, take up your cervical smear invitation the minute it's there."

The NHS advise that symptoms may include:

  • Bleeding outside of your period - Bleeding after sex - Pain in the lower belly or pelvis - Abnormal vaginal discharge