‘Middlesbrough Alcohol Programme Not Working’

The founder of the Living Sober support group say a government project hasn’t had an impact.

Published 13th Feb 2015

The founder of the Living Sober support group say a government project hasn’t had an impact.

It is a year since the Local alcohol action area (LAAA) was announced, and Middlesbrough was one of 20 places that would get more support.

The aim is to tackle the effects of drinking and reducing alcohol related crime and health issues.

Tony Brown who started the group Living Sober and works across Teesside believes it hasn’t made a difference, he said: “I travel round the whole of South Teesside on a daily basis, I have seen no impact whatsoever.

“If anything my own personal case load is double.”

He claims that one police officer told him 90% of his calls were caused by alcohol.

But the company that run the LAAA programme in Middlesbrough say they are seeing it making a difference already.

Dave Mean from Safe in Tees Valley told us it is going to be a longer term initiative but charities have reported an increase in people they are treating and staying off the alcohol.

He also said there has been a fall in alcohol-related crime.

Dave said: “There are a lot of good people out there doing a lot of good work.

“It’s about bringing them together and supporting each other.”