'Locked in' Darlington Man Needs Help To Recover

A Darlington man left totally paralysed by a rare brain condition in 2012 says he will never recover without more help.

Published 13th Jan 2015

A Darlington man who was left totally paralysed by a rare brain condition in 2012 says he will never recover without more help.

Ken Longstaff has the most rare form of Guillaine Barre syndrome and spent much of his two year hospital stay aware of his surroundings but unable to move or communicate.

He's now regained some arm movement and speech but is restricted to a wheelchair and has to stay in a care home.

Now he and his wife, Beverley, are raising money for physiotherapy to help continue his long road to recovery.

You can hear Ken's story here:

They hope the physiotherapy will give him the opportunity to one day get out of his wheelchair and walk again, although both Ken and Beverley both know that might never happen.

If you'd like to help the family, you can get in touch and email beverley.longstaff@ntlworld.com