Ex Cleveland Police detective found guilty of Gross Misconduct

A senior detective who worked in professional standards thought he could get away with coercing female colleagues into having sex because his role protected him from scrutiny, a disciplinary hearing has ruled.

Author: Luke WilsonPublished 1st Nov 2018
Last updated 1st Nov 2018

A senior detective who worked in professional standards thought he could get away with coercing female colleagues into having sex because his role protected him from scrutiny, a disciplinary hearing has ruled.

Ex-detective inspector Simon Hurwood was found guilty of eight counts of gross misconduct and more of misconduct after a panel heard he abused his position over junior colleagues.

Over 14 years with Cleveland Police, he groomed women, bombarding them with texts, knocking their confidence to build it up, then turning the conversation to sex and demanding naked pictures and videos.

A total of 21 women came forward to make allegations about his conduct.

He coerced one junior colleague to perform a sex act on him in police cars and in a police office.

Another witness said he persuaded her to have sex with him at a police station and afterwards looked all pleased with himself'' as he did up his zip.

He was obsessed with the colour of his colleagues' underwear, the hearing which began on Monday was told.

Mr Hurwood, who joined the force in 1991, was not present at the hearing and not represented.

He resigned from Cleveland Police in September.

As a result of the disciplinary hearing he will be barred from rejoining any force.

Panel chairman Simon Mallett, reading out the judgment in a suite at the Riverside Stadium, Middlesbrough, said: He knew as a senior officer he could exploit younger females for sexual purposes.''

He used his job as a recruitment centre for his own sexual gratification'' and his behaviour harmed his victims to the point where one needed anti-depressants.

Mr Hurwood laughed off some of the criticism when he was challenged about it, Mr Mallett said.

Mr Mallett said: His conduct was out of control and unchecked.

He considered his role and his contacts in the force protected him from the consequences of his actions.''

John Beggs QC, for the chief constable, said: Hurwood well understood that his conduct was inappropriate because he told a number of targets to delete messages.

He invited them to use WhatsApp, he invited them not to use their job phones.''

Speaking of the harm caused, Mr Beggs said: A significant number of victims described feelings of shame, disgust and humiliation.

The harm caused is not confined to the victims in this case, his behaviour is likely to undermine public trust and confidence.''

In a statement outside the hearing, Cleveland Police Chief Constable Mike Veale said there was no place in the organisation for officers like Mr Hurwood.

He said: For more than a decade he acted shamefully and was confronted thanks to a brave individual coming forward and blowing the whistle on him.

They had the trust and confidence in our Counter Corruption Unit, they believed the team would take their claims seriously, they would be listened to and we would act upon the information they gave us. We did not let them down.''

He added: I will not let a handful of officers and staff bring shame to those hundreds who serve with distinction, honour and a determination to protect our communities with integrity and dedication.'

Cleveland Police PCC Barry Coppinger has issued a statement:

“The conduct of the officer at the centre of this case, Simon Hurwood, is shameful and my thoughts are foremost with the victims of his completely unacceptable actions.

“He is no longer with the force and I am pleased that the panel has concluded that if he were a serving police officer, he would have been dismissed.

“It was important that the gross misconduct hearing took place as it sends out a clear message that such behaviour in the past, the present or future will not be tolerated by Cleveland Police.

“A hearing was also necessary to ensure Simon Hurwood was placed on a barring list for any future police employment.

“The fact that Hurwood behaved in this way whilst employed by Cleveland Police is deeply regrettable; bringing him to account marks a significant step in our ongoing work to transform professional standards within the force.

“I set the Strategic Direction for standards reform in Cleveland Police in December 2015. Since then, work has been driven forward by the Force and my Office, to replace the former Professional Standards Department with a new Directorate of Standards and Ethics. At the time that work started, I made clear that we would be making significant investment into this department and in training all staff and officers to ensure we became a lead force in this area.

“As part of that ongoing transformation, and with the full support of the new Chief Constable Mike Veale, we have invested heavily in a counter corruption unit to help empower victims and witnesses of inappropriate behaviour. We will ensure past perpetrators are brought to account and that such behaviour has no place in our force of the future.

“Part of that investment included every officer and member of staff attending an Everyone Matters workshop and raising awareness of the confidential reporting contact system set up specifically to allow witnesses and victims to come forward to report matters anonymously and with complete confidence that such reports would be investigated.

“For many years Hurwood got away with his behaviour; it was an anonymous report under the confidential reporting arrangements that first alerted the force and sparked the investigation that led to him being brought to account.

“This case sends out a clear message that abuse of power will not be tolerated in Cleveland Police. We will root it out, we will investigate and we will bring those responsible to account.

“The Senior Investigating Officer in this disciplinary case has liaised appropriately with the Crown Prosecution Service and it has been concluded there is insufficient evidence at this stage to support criminal charges.

“Properly, in cases of this nature, there is a victim’s right to review of that decision and that process is currently underway. Arrangements are being made for an independent force to undertake the review. Should the review suggest criminal charges are appropriate or should new evidence come to light, the decision can be revisited.

“In addition, I already have scheduled a scrutiny session to address force progress on recommendations by IOPC, HMIC and UNISON in relation to country-wide concerns around abuse of authority.

“I will include in that session a detailed examination of the lessons that can be learned from this case and any further measures that can be brought to bear to root out corruption and misconduct. As with all the minutes of my scrutiny programme, they will be published online so that the public can see the structured way in which I hold Cleveland Police to account for this and a whole range of other issues.

“Today my thoughts are with the women Hurwood exploited during his policing career and I want them to know that they are not to blame for what happened to them."