Durham teaching assistants vote overwhelmingly for strike

Union announced today that 93% of their balloted members voted in favour of industrial action.

Published 19th Oct 2016

Teaching assistants in Durham have voted overwhelmingly for strike action in an ongoing dispute over cuts to their pay.

Unison held a ballot over Durham County Council plans to move teaching assistants to term-time pay.

The union says this would see staff lose up to 23 per cent of their wages.

The vote on whether to move to industrial action was put to the largely female workforce on Thursday 6 October.

The ballot closed today and 93% of UNISON members who responded voted for strike action.

UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said: “This huge vote has taken place against a backdrop of bullying by councillors, head teachers and church leaders, all of whom should have known better.

“These are low-paid women workers who deserve much better from their employer – a Labour council.

“Even at this late stage there’s still time for councillors to think again and agree to reverse their decision to slash the pay of these workers by nearly a quarter.”

UNISON northern regional secretary Clare Williams said: “We’re disappointed at the council’s decision to treat UNISON teaching assistant members worse than their colleagues.

“Teaching assistants are essential in the classroom and to devalue them in this way is unacceptable. Parents and teachers understand their worth, it’s a pity the council does not.

“This decision to move to industrial action hasn’t been taken lightly. But with employees facing massive pay cuts, they have been left with no other option. Durham council must do the right thing and get back around the negotiating table.”

UNISON Durham County branch secretary Neville Hancock said: “This shows the incredible strength of feeling in this long-running dispute. Every day teaching assistants go above and beyond the call of duty yet are being treated like second class citizens by their employer.”