Durham ferret up for national award after dog attack

Published 16th Nov 2016

A ferret who was left fighting for life after being shaken by a dog has been shortlisted for the PDSA Pet Survivor Awards 2016 – a national competition recognising death-defying ‘tails’ of miraculous survival.

Five-year-old Dobby, from Stanley in County Durham, escaped from his house one evening and ended up in the jaws of a large dog. He suffered severe life-threatening internal injuries, but he went on to make an astounding recovery and is now up against five other plucky pets for the coveted title of PDSA Pet Survivor 2016.

The competition, run in association with PDSA Petsurance, recognises pets’ incredible survival spirit, the love and devotion of their owners and the skill and dedication of the veterinary teams who helped save their lives. The winner will be decided by a public vote via the charity’s website - www.pdsa.org.uk/petsurvivor

Dobby, who is named after the house elf in the Harry Potter series, was entered into the competition by his owner, Jade Gardiner (27). Describing Dobby’s ordeal, she said: “Dobby was shaken very badly, but was rescued by the dog’s owner who managed to return him to me. He had no visible wounds and the initial vet check was

inconclusive. But over the next couple of days he was subdued – I knew something wasn’t right. Suddenly, his condition quickly deteriorated. The vet did a scan and revealed that a section of his intestine had ruptured and he’d developed severe peritonitis – an infection in the abdomen. He was at death’s door.”

Clinical Director at Prince Bishop Vets, Christina Stubbins, said: “Dobby’s condition was very serious – I’d estimate that he had less than 10% chance of survival. He needed surgery but in his weakened state we couldn’t be certain that he was strong enough to endure the operation. However, it was his only chance of survival.”

Jade added: “I knew the outlook was bleak, but Dobby was an otherwise strong and healthy ferret. I had to give him a fighting chance to pull through this. Plus, his brother Kreacher was left alone at home – they’re incredibly close.”

The surgery went ahead and the damaged section of Dobby’s intestine had to be removed – major surgery for a pet so small. Over the next few days Dobby slowly got his strength back, and was eventually out of danger and able to go home.

Jade said: “I took Dobby straight to see his brother Kreacher, who curled up around Dobby and they immediately fell asleep together. I knew then I’d made the right decision. Dobby’s treatment cost over a thousand pounds, but he’s worth every penny.”

Vet Christina added: “Dobby was a perfect patient throughout – so friendly and a delight to treat. When he first arrived I honestly wasn’t sure if he would make it, but his strength of character and cheeky

nature prevailed. It’s fantastic that he’s being recognised in PDSA’s Pet Survivor Awards.”

Entries for the charity awards were received from all over the UK and a celebrity judging panel, which included actress Pam St Clement, helped to select the finalists. The other pets in the running to be named Pet Survivor 2016 are:

  • Bodie the Labrador – was left with horrendous wounds after a vicious dog attack, requiring several major operations. - Buddy the Jack Russell – suffered extensive burns after pulling a boiling casserole onto himself. - Darcy the Cocker Spaniel – survived falling down a 60-foot dam but was left with horrific injuries - Dobby the ferret – nearly died after sustaining terrible internal injuries when shaken by a large dog. - Hans the rabbit – abandoned with a severely infected head injury caused by a dog or fox attack.

The competition was open to pets treated for a life threatening illness or injury by a vet in the UK between 1 August 2015 and 1 August 2016. Only one vote per person is allowed and the winner will receive the coveted PDSA Pet Survivor trophy and a year’s free PDSA pet insurance*. Voting closes at midnight on Sunday 4 December