Darlington stroke victim warns: it can happen to young people too

A Darlington stroke victim is urging young people to be aware of their risks.

Published 13th Feb 2017

A Darlington stroke victim is urging young people to be aware of their risks.

While most of us consider strokes to only affect older people, they can have devastating effects on young people as well.

22-year-old Michael Waldin, a former Barnard Castle rugby player, suffered a stroke last year;

“It was a pretty traumatic experience, not being able to move my left arm was really scary.

“Just so helpless, not being able to move your arm and when it was coming back, if it was  coming back, pretty scary situation.”

Michael tells us he was walking upstairs when he felt problems with his leg, then realised what was happening;

“I think the FAST campaign had probably, subliminally, taken an effect on me, I realised what the symptoms were and when I realised my voice was slurred that was the final sign that yes, I was having a stroke.”

He now wants to make sure everyone knows the symptoms; as quick action can save lives.