Counter Terrorism Week Launched

Police hope to raise awareness of terror threats with week of action

Published 28th Nov 2014

Fighting terrorism is the focus of a national police campaign going on across the North East this week. It's about raising public awareness of the issue, as well as tackling threats in crowded places. Assistant Chief Constable Geoff Dodd from the North East Counter Terrorism Unit told us: "It's all about raising awareness, making people conscious that there is a threat the threat exists, we know that we've seen attacks in Australia and America and Canada. It has to be worrying. But we just have to be vigilant. "We know acts of terrorism have been carried out in areas where there's crowded public spaces. We know that people become radicalised to extremism. We know that terrorism requires financing. And we know that terrorists need tools to commit their offences. The week will concentrate on those five areas."