Over 500 people have donated a kidney to a complete stranger

New figures from NHS Blood and Transplant shows 509 people have given their kidneys to a stranger over the last decade.

Published 20th Sep 2016

More than 500 people have donated one of their kidneys to save a stranger's life, according to new figures.

Data from NHS Blood and Transplant shows 509 people have given their kidneys to a stranger over the last decade after living organ donation became legal in 2006.

Giving a kidney to a stranger now makes up 8% of all living kidney donations, with other live donations coming from family and close friends.

The majority of kidney donations still come from deceased donors.

Despite the figures, 5,338 people remain on the transplant list waiting for a new kidney or a combined kidney and pancreas transplant.

Redcar mam Stacey Hewitt received a new kidney last year after her dad posted an emotional plea on Facebook.

She was contacted by Scunthorpe mam Louise Drewer, who was upset at the thought Stacey's son might have to grow up without her.

28-year-old Stacey said: "She's a mam herself so she risked her life to save mine, which is incredible, she's so selfess.

"I'm able to keep up with my son, I can walk all over and not get out of breath. I've started my own business and work from home, so I've gained confidence.

"My life is great and it is all down to Louise, she saved my life."

John Forsythe, associate medical director for organ donation and transplantation at NHS Blood and Transplant, said: As a surgeon, when you are retrieving a kidney from an altruistic donor, you are very aware they do not need the operation themselves.

They have instead volunteered to make a special contribution by saving or improving the life of someone who they will probably never know. These are spontaneous and voluntary offers of donation, motivated by a decision to do something genuinely good for someone in need.

When the Human Tissue Act was passed into law many of us thought few people would come forward to do this. We are now amazed and very grateful that so many people have chosen to donate a kidney to a stranger.''

There were 83 altruistic kidney donations during 2015/16, down on the 107 in 2014/15.

In 2015/2016, 1,035 living kidney donor transplants were performed in the UK.