13 Year Old Stroke Victim Joins Awareness Campaign

Published 26th Oct 2015

A 13 year old girl from Eaglescliffe who survived a stroke wants others to know that it can happen to anyone.

Emily Simpson had to have an emergency operation after having an episode three years ago.

Doctors had to remove part of her skull to relieve pressure and she was in surgery for four hours.

At one point her parents were told she wouldn’t make it.

With specialist support, Emily’s confidence has grown, her speech is slowly coming back and she has learnt how to swim using one arm and leg.

Her dad Terry Chapman said:

“I remember thinking to myself, you like like you’re having a stroke but you can’t be because you’re a ten year old girl. But we all know different now.”

“She’s so brave, she’s an amazing lady and we’re all so proud of her.”

“Maybe if we can make people more aware that is affects people at all ages. People do suffer much much earlier in life and therefore need support. That needs prioritising as we can see it.”

The family are now backing a national “Give a Hand” campaign through the Stroke Association which runs this week.

It encourages people to use their weaker hand to raise awareness and funds

You can read more about the Stroke Association's 'Give A Hand' campaign here: https://www.stroke.org.uk/