1 year on from Shane Tunney's death: 'I worry he'll become a statistic'

The 24-year-old was violently assaulted on Norton High Street last year and died in hospital five weeks later.

Published 28th Jul 2016

One year on from his death, Shane Tunney's girlfriend says she's not convinced the streets are any safer after his killers were convicted.

24-year-old Shane visited a cash machine on Norton High Street with his friend Anthony Kirk, when they were set upon by seven teenagers.

Both were badly beaten and while Anthony recovered from his injuries, Shane died in hospital five weeks later.

Last month the seven teenagers were convicted of killing Shane.

18-year-old cousins Kearan Terry Davis and Kieran Harry Davis were sentenced to 15 and 13 years respectively for his murder.

The other five teenagers were sentenced for manslaughter.

18-year-old Jake Douglas received a 4.5 year sentence, as did 18-year-old Daniel Hunt.

18-year-old Brandon Pitt was sentenced to 7 years.

A 17-year-old, who can't be named for legal reasons, was sentenced to 4 years in prison for manslaughter.

A 16-year-old who also can't be named, was sentenced to 3 years for manslaughter.

After the ordeal of the trial has blown over, Vix said it's not becoming any easier for the family to move on from Shane's death.

She lodged an appeal and launched a petition calling for tougher sentences for his killers.

This has been postponed.

She said: "I know a lot of people say time is a great healer, unfortunately it's another day we've been without Shane.

"Now I have to try and rebuild what we should have had together, and the thought of doing that on my own right now is overwhelming and quite daunting.

"Stuff like this has been happening before what happened to Shane.

"People tend to say wrong place, wrong time and that could have been someone else that happened to.

"Or if it didn't happen to Shane on that night, it could have easily happened the next night or the next month."