Here's how you make cloud eggs that everyone is going mad for

The new way to eat an egg

Cloud egg
Published 10th May 2017
Last updated 10th May 2017

Wondering why everyone is going mad for cloud eggs? Then you probably haven't tried one yet.

Everyone knows what a poached, fried or boiled egg is, but the new craze is a cloud egg and if you haven't tried one here's how to make your very own.

They are essentially a savoury meringue, the egg white is whisked into stiff peaks with salt and pepper and then oven-baked.

Here are our step-by-step instructions on how to make your very own cloud eggs.

1) Preheat your oven to 230C/450F/Gas Mark 8.

2) Separate your eggs, with the whites in a large bowl and the yolks in a small bowl.

3) Whisk the whites until stiff peaks form. If you want to add salt, pepper and herbs fold them in after whisking.

4) Spoon the stiff egg whites into 'cloud' shapes on a baking tray covered in greaseproof paper and make a little dip in the middle.

5) Bake for around three minutes.

6) Carefully pour an egg yolk into the dip of each cloud and return to the oven until they're cooked - usually around another three minutes.

7) Serve on toast and enjoy!

It might take a couple of goes to perfect the art of making a cloud egg, but it's easier than poaching.

All this talk of eggs is making us hungry!
