Vigilant Wiltshire resident rewarded after reporting fly tipping

The person from Hook, Royal Wooten Bassett saw a man dump bags of waste outside their house

Flytipping causes huge problems for councils, with the GMB calling for a zero tolerance approach for offenders
Author: Isabel KimbreyPublished 30th Sep 2020

A Wiltshire resident is the second person to be financially rewarded as a result of the council's new 'We're Targeting Fly Tippers' campaign.

A person witnessed a man dumping black bags of waste into a grass verge outside their property in Hook, Royal Wootton Bassett in April this year.

The quick-thinking vigilant resident took photographic evidence of the car as it was driving away after the driver discarded a car boot load of black bags and a paint pot.

A mans from Swindon has now been fined £400 fixed pentaly notice.

Wiltshire Council was first notified of the incident by Wiltshire Police’s Early Resolution Unit, who provided the council with vital early investigation assistance which then led the officers to contact the offender and issue a fixed penalty notice.

Cllr Bridget Wayman, Wiltshire Council’s Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways and Waste, said:

“I would like to thank Wiltshire Police for their assistance with this investigation and to the vigilant member of the public who reported this fly tipping offence.

"We continue to take a zero-tolerance stance to fly tipping and will take enforcement action where possible against offenders.

"Fixed penalty notices are a significant tool in combating this illegal activity and with the introduction of the ‘We’re Targeting Fly-tippers’ campaign, and the successful reward which this witness has received, we hope this will encourage more members of the public to report fly-tipping incidents to us.”

Residents can report fly-tipping at or by calling 0300 456 0100.