Prisoners forced to use buckets instead of toilets at Wiltshire jail

Treatment at HMP Erlestoke labelled 'degrading and unacceptable.'

Published 22nd Sep 2020
Last updated 22nd Sep 2020

The Chief Inspector of Prisons, Peter Clarke, has raised concerns about the conditions following a visit to HMP Erlestoke last month.

He also said he found a "very troubling" picture of violence, disorder and self-harm.

The category C Jail on Salisbury Plain holds around 500 prisoners.

The use of force by staff on inmates had more than doubled since the start of lockdown amid prisoners being locked up in cells for most of each day for five months as a result of coronavirus pandemic restrictions.

Mr Clarke has warned the "lack of leadership and oversight" of the segregation unit, where prisoners are effectively held in solitary confinement, was "especially concerning."

A report on the findings of the inspection said:

"We saw treatment that was degrading and unacceptable."

"We found one prisoner and were made aware of two others who had been without toilets, running water and a cell call bell system for approximately two weeks.

"They had been given buckets while waiting for cell toilets to be fixed."

"There were also serious safeguarding concerns about the lack of social care provision."

"We found vulnerable adults who had been left unable to complete basic tasks, such as cleaning themselves or their cells properly, or collecting food."


Mr Clarke said overall the response to the coronavirus pandemic there "has led to a less safe, less decent and less purposeful prison".

"Although the amount of time prisoners could spend out of their cells had been increased in the early stages of lockdown, during our visit in August most prisoners still only received 45-minute sessions in the morning and the afternoon, and an additional half an hour one evening a week."

"Prisoners reported being frustrated about daily delays in the delivery of this limited regime and about the lack of activity."

Erlestoke Prison from above


Inspectors were also disturbed by:

  • A spike in the number of "serious incidents of indiscipline" before, during and after the inspection.
  • The discovery of "significant amounts" of Hooch alcopops inside the jail - 370 litres since the start of the pandemic.
  • Despite prisoners being locked up for most of the day the level of assaults had reamained similar to that before lockdown
  • A significant increase in self-harm among prisoners since lockdown with "deficiencies" in care and monitoring.
  • Racist" graffiti being found, alongside broken cell windows with sharp shards of glass, blocked toilets and broken showers.


The findings prompted Mr Clarke to raise the concerns urgently with Justice Secretary Robert Buckland - who he said agreed to look at the problems.

Mr Clarke added:

"The prison appeared to have lost its purpose, which was to address the offending behaviour and reduce the risks of long-term offenders. "

"I am in no doubt that well-led and properly supported local innovation and flexibility are now urgently needed to restore the acceptable treatment and conditions of the prisoners held there."


A Prison Service spokesman said steps have been taken already:

"We have taken immediate action to address all the issues raised in this report, with a focus on improving safety and living standards."

"A programme of repair work is under way across the prison, with the majority of work expected to be completed by the end of the month."

"We are urgently working to identify additional improvements we can make to prisoner safety and Erlestoke will receive additional staff training and specialist support to help drive down violence."