Local authorities not enthused by housing plan for edge of Swindon

A home builder wants to create 3-thousand new houses on the edge of Swindon.

Proposed site for the housing development
Author: James LewerPublished 29th Jun 2021
Last updated 29th Jun 2021

Up to 3,000 homes could be built on the edge of Swindon if a ‘land promoter’ and builder has its way.

The company – Mactaggart & Mickel – is eyeing up green fields on the edge of Haydon Wick around Pry Farm, between Swindon and


It has written to both Wiltshire and Swindon Borough councils suggesting the land could be added to each authority’s Local Plan as being suitable for 3,000 houses.

But the lack of benefit to Swindon compared with the price in terms of damage of wildlife and increased pressure on services have set Swindon’s planning boss against the idea.

Mactaggart & Mickel has written to every councillor in Swindon and Wiltshire.

Its letter says: “We are a family-owned house builder with over 90 years’ experience in building homes, currently promoting land for up to 3,000 homes at Pry Farm just west of Haydon Wick, in both the Wiltshire and Swindon Local Plan Reviews. “

Of the 3,000 houses the company thinks the land could sustain, 350 of them would be in Swindon borough, just to the west of the Swindon & Cricklade Railway Line.

The majority would be in Wiltshire Council’s area – wrapping round to the west and north of Mouldon Hill Country Park.

The land promoter is trying to persuade the authorities its proposal would help both meet the housebuilding targets both have been set.

It said: “Pry Farm would consist of 3,000 homes, helping to achieve targets outlined in your draft Local Plan.

“It is in a sustainable location on the edge of the town, not constrained by statutory or heritage landscape, nor in the green belt.

“Pry Farm will enable investment in local infrastructure including a new school, community facilities, and publicly accessible landscaped open space.

“The aim is to create a sustainable community on the edge of Swindon.

“It will enable sustainable travel to be undertaken in and around Swindon and will link well into the existing Haydon Wick and wider town community and sit comfortably on the edge of the town.”

But neither council is enthusiastic.

Swindon Borough Council’s cabinet member for strategic infrastructure, transport and planning Gary Sumner said: “Only 300-odd of the houses would be in Swindon Borough, so it wouldn’t go that far to meeting our housing targets.

“But all 3,000 houses would be built right on the edge of Swindon so the people living in them would, naturally enough, be looking to benefit from our services and infrastructure, but we’d get little benefit.”

Coun Sumner said the proposal would put pressure on existing facilities and could even damage the nearby country park:

“We know from our detailed planning that 3,000 houses aren’t enough for a new secondary school – you need around 7,000 for that, so children in these houses would have to go to existing schools.

“And from discussions with the land promoter they say they might require an access that cuts through Mouldon Hill Country Park and I don’t think that would be very popular.”

Wiltshire Council’s cabinet member for planning Coun Nick Botterill added: “It’s not one of our sites, Swindon doesn’t need it.

“I fail to see the logic behind the proposal at all.”

Rowanne Stripe lives in Haydon Wick. She said: The houses would be on the fields I walk my dog on. I moved to Swindon not that long ago to get out of big built-up towns – and I came to Haydon Wick to be on the edge of countryside.

“It would be a real shame. I know we need houses but soon there won’t be any green land left.”