12 month driving ban for Swindon drug driver

He was found to have 4 times the legal limit of cocaine in his system

Author: Wiltshire PolicePublished 2nd Oct 2020

A Swindon man has been disqualified from driving for 12 months after pleading guilty to drug driving.

Christopher Hoskin, 35, of Bowleymead, pleaded guilty to the charge in court on Friday (25/09).

On February 14, officers were on mobile patrol when they had reason to stop a Vauxhall Astra which was towing a Honda Civic towards Pavenhill, Purton.

The vehicles were stopped in Dogridge and Hoskin was found to be the driver of the Astra.

Due to concerns he may be under the influence of drugs, a drug wipe test was conducted which tested positive to cocaine.

He was arrested and interviewed and later charged.

As well as the driving disqualification, Hoskin was fined £246, ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £37 and costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £85.

PC Jonathan Kilburn said: "When we stopped the vehicle we had concerns the driver was under the influence of drugs - the drug wipe test and subsequent blood tests showed that Hoskin had greater than 200 micrograms of benzoylecgonine (cocaine) in 100 millilitres of blood - the legal limit is 50 micrograms.

"Driving whilst under the influence of an illegal drug such as cocaine is extremely dangerous - your ability to drive is seriously impaired and you pose a risk to yourself and other road users - the fact that Hoskin was also towing another vehicle at the time makes this even more serious.

"If you suspect someone of drug driving we would urge you to call police immediately on 999 in an emergency and give as much detail as possible, including direction of travel and description of the vehicle."