Windmills installed at Brooklands Lake

They will help improve the water quality and the surrounding wildlife

An example of what the windmills will look like once installed
Published 7th Sep 2020

Work to improve Brooklands Park and support its wildlife will take a step forward next week as the installation of two windmills begins in order to oxygenate the lake.

In the years leading up to the summer of 2018, there were regular blooms of algal growth, including potentially toxic blue green algae. In response, the lake was dredged and silt from the lake was removed to increase the depth of water. However, a further oxygenation process was recommended to mitigate against the risk of future outbreaks.

The windmills, which stand at 13 feet tall will be located on each of the north and south islands, each attached to two diffusers. The constant operation of the air stone diffusers breaks down the stratified layers of oxygen saturation, meaning the risk of rapid deoxygenation is minimised. Maintenance of the windmills is minimal, no electrical installation is required, and there will be no ongoing power costs.

Councillor Edward Crouch, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Digital & Environmental Services, said:

“It’s fantastic to see sustainable energy solutions being used at Brooklands Park, helping promote nature and mirroring the Rampion Offshore Windfarm which can be seen from our beach.

"These windmills offer visitors the opportunity for interpretation around wind-generated power and sustainable energy solutions, in the light of the climate crisis, as well as offering a functional and beneficial impact on the lake environment and for local wildlife.”

Windmill style similar to that to be used at Brooklands Lake

The installation of the windmills will take place on the week commencing the 7th September 2020. The level of the water will need to be lowered beforehand, to access the islands and place the air stone diffusers, which will sit at the bottom of the lake. The installation of the windmills also coincides with some work to improve the main Brooklands Park bridge.

It comes just weeks after plans to transform Brooklands Park into a new ÂŁ3 million jewel-in-the-crown destination were given a major boost with a ÂŁ100,000 grant from the Rampion Fund at Sussex Community Foundation, set up by Rampion Offshore Windfarm.

This will contribute to the building of a state-of-the-art sustainable cafe close to the lake.

The ÂŁ3m Brooklands project will also involve:

  • An adventure play area to house 30 pieces of equipment, two of which are climbing frames more than 4 metres high
  • An outdoor space for multi-use events such as frisbee, football or other activities surrounded by seating
  • A contemplative garden bordering the Teville Stream with new sensory planting
  • A new accessible pathway circumnavigating the lake with seating areas and shelters
  • A 2.5k fitness trail around the park
  • A number of glades on the old golf course, creating discrete areas sheltered by planting to allow for different community activities including food growing, seed sowing, play dens, bug hotels and bird boxes
  • A mount celebrating the highest point in the park, from which views of the sea give a strong sense of place

It is hoped construction will begin late this year once technical design work is completed.