West Sussex school cleaner jailed for sex assaults on two girls

He committed the offences over a period of seven years

Author: Ryan BurrowsPublished 29th Mar 2021

A cleaner from Crawley has been jailed for 13 years after being convicted of multiple sex assaults on two girls.

37-year-old Azam Haleemdeen, of Broadwalk, was sentenced at Hove Crown Court on Friday (March 26th) having previously been found guilty of 12 counts, each of multiple sexual assaults on the two young girls, following a trial in December.

The abuse started when they were both at a very young age and continued into their teenage years before they found the courage to report what was happening to teachers at school in October 2019.

This was promptly reported to the police who arrested Haleemdeen on the same day.

Detective Sergeant Martin Alchin-Gadd said;

"Our investigation found that Haleemdeen had over a period of time some seven years ago gained the confidence of the two vulnerable youngsters, using them systematically for his own sexual gratification until they found the courage to speak out.

"We praise them for coming forward, supporting our investigation, and giving evidence in court.

"Reports of this nature are always taken seriously and we prioritise the safeguarding of victims whilst seeking prosecutions in every case that we can.

"Any young person who is victim of such terrible offending can report to a trusted adult - including school teachers as in this case, to the NSPCC, or directly to the police."

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