Sussex 'is cocaine capital of England and Wales'

More seizures of the drug per person are made here than anywhere else

Author: Katie WilliamsPublished 15th Dec 2020

Sussex is the cocaine capital of England and Wales, with police seizing more of the drug here per person than in any other area.

It comes as the National Police Chiefs' Council said officers across England and Wales have taken more of the highest-harm illegal drugs off the streets in recent years, preventing them from bolstering a "multi-million pound illicit market".

Home Office data shows Sussex Police made 1,188 seizures of cocaine in 2019-20.

At 694 seizures per million population, it was the highest rate for any police force in England and Wales apart from in the City of London, where many people work but few people live.

Cocaine is categorised as a Class A drug, which are considered to be the most harmful.

Possession carries a maximum sentence of seven years in prison plus an unlimited fine, while those caught supplying it face life in prison.

In Sussex, cannabis was the most commonly seized drug, which was involved in 70% of seizures where the drug type was known in 2019-20.

This was followed by cocaine (18%) and crack cocaine (6%).

The Home Office cautioned that the most recent figures for Sussex Police are an estimate, as the force did not supply complete records.

Across England and Wales, the number of drug seizures increased for the second consecutive year, reversing the steady fall seen since 2011-12.

Police and border forces recorded 183,000 seizures, a 20% rise compared to 2018-19.

This was “mainly driven by an increase in the number of seizures of class B drugs”, such as herbal cannabis and cannabis resin, according to a Home Office report.

Deputy Chief Constable Jason Harwin, the NPCC's lead for drugs, said forces have also "substantially increased" seizure of the highest-harm illegal drugs over the past few years.

He added:

"These drugs feed a multi-million pound illicit market and are a key driver in other serious crimes.

"Working with the National Crime Agency and other law enforcement agencies, we pursue organised criminals involved in the drugs trade who often commit other major crime including serious violence, human trafficking and modern slavery.

"We also continue to work with public health bodies to seek to decrease user demand for illegal drugs and reduce harm."

Police forces carry out the majority of seizures nationally (92%), with most tending to be smaller quantities of drugs from individuals.

But Laura Garius, policy lead at drug reform charity Release, said this does little to disrupt the drugs market.

"It begs the question of why police think detecting small amounts of drugs is more of a policing priority in 2019 than say, in 2016," she added.

"Criminalisation damages employment and educational opportunities, yet we know alternative approaches, such as decriminalisation or diversion, can result in better outcomes for individuals, communities and police and this is why we need national reform.”

The Home Office said the Government is "committed to driving down drugs supply in the UK through tough law enforcement, which is reflected in the increase in drug seizures made by police forces".